


Enabling the “Install” Experience in a React + Vite Web App: A PWA Guide

Medium|Nov 22, 2024

This blog contains a step-by-step guide on how to make your React + Vite web app installable as a Progressive Web App (PWA). It covers setting up a service worker, configuring the manifest, and enabling the install prompt to provide users with a seamless, app-like experience.

Understanding React's useReducer Hook: A Deep Dive into State Management

Medium|Nov 8, 2024

This blog explains the useReducer hook in React, a powerful tool for managing complex state logic in a clean and predictable way. It covers the basics of how useReducer works, provides an example with a counter app, and compares it to useState for simpler state updates. The blog also explores when to use useReducer over Redux, highlighting key differences and use cases for both. It concludes with a live demo app showcasing the use of useReducer and practical insights for developers looking to manage state effectively in React applications.

My Journey of Learning Redux: From Core to Redux Toolkit and Building a To-Do App

Medium|Nov 7, 2024

The blog takes readers through the process of mastering state management in React using Redux. It starts with the challenges of managing state in complex apps and reveals how Redux, along with Redux Toolkit and React-Redux, can offer a more efficient solution. To cement the learning, a practical project is built—showcasing the power of Redux in action. Curious about the app and the technologies behind it? Read it to find out how everything comes together.

Integrating Firebase with React: A Comprehensive Guide

Medium|Nov 6, 2024

This blog walks you through integrating Firebase with a simple React app, U-Survey. It covers setting up Firebase Authentication for user sign-ins, using the Realtime Database to store survey responses, and deploying the app with Firebase Hosting. The tutorial shows how Firebase makes it easy to add powerful backend features without the hassle of managing servers, so you can focus on building your app.

Exploring API Basics: Building a Reddit Search App with React

Medium|Nov 4, 2024

This blog covers the core concept of API fetching in web development, demonstrating how to interact with the Reddit API using React and Vite. It highlights two popular libraries, Axios and Superagent, for making API requests, allowing users to explore the differences between them. The project enables users to search for subreddits and view posts, providing a hands-on way to understand how to fetch data from external APIs and integrate it into React applications.